Relativity and schizophrenia

Chris Lawton photography
Well, well, well. Another Monday and another chance to start all over again. I decided to write a blog everyday, and to question myself, and possibly other people. What did you do today? What did I today?
But no, I'm not interested in things like, I woke up, had coffee and than I went to toliet and sat there for two hours, while I was srolling to my News feed.
I mean, I already know that some of you did that...But I wanna question myself because we often don't have time to do things and we often don't feel like it.
You might thing I'm schizophrenic because I think of other ideas every day, I change my plans and I am barely sticking to them, But I guess that is just the way I am. But fighting with time and fighting with that feeling most of us have--- feeling that we're stuck and that we're feeling like this is not the right time to do something, fighting with those two things it is my next mission.
I'm in a black hole of exsistence and I won't be available to fit in this pattern any time soon. I started looking for jobs, sending a little bit of resumes, but I already know, that working enviroment will kill my enthusiasm for growing and doing something more importnat.
I did it anyway.
And there is one really persistant website, that is sending me emails everyday, thousands of them, that my application was reviewed three times, Yaay, and that I am accepted for a job that I didn't even apply to.
Sounds great, like I entered another dimension where everybody is offered fantastic jobs, and nobody is even looking at your experience or education. Free world of equal opportunities.
But I don't believe anyone got job trough that website. Because I'm sure that 90% of those companies are fake.
SO, I tried to unsubscribe, and guess what, it is impossible.
They ask you to give them the reason. I saw one of the options which was hillarious--- I found a job, and I want to unsubscribe.
Sounds legit, I will choose that one,
Then, they offer you to make a commercial with you, so you need to give them all of your contact informations, so they could come to your house and make that ad I guess?
I contacted customer support three times, and I kept receiving those emails for fake job offers.
In one of them I wrote them this

So, I guess some of you guys had experience with this website, it's called ZipRecruiter.
If you did, share some of those bad experiences, it could make a great story.
Let me know if there are some of the websites similar to this.