I've been away for a week, trying to find inspiration for new post. But it is a pointless thing to do in these restless times. Jk, I guess I was lazy shit and didn't want to write anything. But I'm back on the track.
It's not like I'm laying around not doing anything whole day. I quit my job, and I dedicated myself to studying. And working as a freelancer.
That was the best decision I did in a long time. As long as I have steady income to survive, and enough time to do what I want to do, why would I need to give away my time to someone else?
I was exploring some blogs and I run into James Altucher .Every year he writes about reasons to quit your job.
And he made a point with this sentence
,,I feel like every time I have a job, something is taken from me. Something that was once special. And I never found them again.''
It's not like everybody should quit their jobs and run into something new and excitng. People value stability over freedom. And I understand that. What is freedom anyway?
Some people value their work, and they see improvement only if they are being rewarded trough their company, maybe with a raise, new position, something like that.
And that is okay, but not for me. I don't think that is path I could follow. I get a feeling that people are taking you seriously only if you are following that path. Finish school, get a degree, find a job, work from 9 to 5 just to stay alive, and then you die.
Well, then I choose not to be taken seriously. Let's be clear, it's not like my opinion is that you should have money and do nothing. No, I just believe that you could have income, and in the same time do work by yourself, for yourself.
By giving my hours to some other company, I'm not doing anything for myself. I'm not learning, I'm not growing, I'm just being miserable. And by the time I come home, I have no time, or energy left to do something else.
That is why I gave up that world. Okay, I might be looking for a job, if things don't go as planned, but I hope that won't happen. By working few hours a day, I am buying myself time for learning new things, creating new things, and being productive.
Because productivity for me, is when you're able to wake up every day, and create something, even though you're living in the world where those rules don't apply. But, what is exsistence anyway? We'll talk about it some other time.
And here's a scene from a movie Sing Street which I remembered while I was writing this post. Your world will collide with other ones, But you'll still be alone with your own rules.