TWITTER people, why are you scamming me?
And Look, I am writing my post. Improving much, ha?
Well, one of the steps of writing a blog is to find an audience. I made a twiiter account, and there are a lot of people who sent me automatic messages to subscribe to their channel. I mean, it’s okay, you need subscribers and everything. But I am bothered because everybody is doing the same. I am using twitter for two fucking days and I received 30+ automatic messages.
This is what I am talking about

Boring and stupid approach. I admit, I replied to those people, telling them to visit my blog, and I subscribed to their channel. But they never visited my blog… *Crying in despear*
Just kidding, I am okay with that, the point of all this is that I am bothered with people who are just chasing followers not their ideas and dreams. But, that Is their problem, not mine. I stopped sending my blog to people who just wanted one subscriber more.
I can support you, but you won’t get my attention.
Your approach is boring.
But this guy was pretty nice, you can follow him