Hello, it's Monday. Somewhere in the world it still is. That is a beauty of time zones, you can lie but still you're telling a true somewhere else.
I finished my chapter one. I won't publish a book anywhere until it's done, so I don't have a proof of my work, but who cares, you won't even read it. Like you're not read this.

Well, before you try to finish it, you need to start.
It is hard to start.
It is easy to say I wanna write a fucking novel.
But it's hard to write even a 100 words.
You start and after 1000 words you realise, I'm fucking worhless piece of shit and I will never do anything good with my life.
That is a trap.
Your mind doesn't want you to continue, because, deep down you know, you're piece of shit. Let's face it, you are.
But after 2000 word, you continue because there is a story going. Who is going to kill all those people, and make their lives miserable?
You, because you created them, and remember, people love misery.
Because they are just like you, you idiot.
And after 3000 or 4000 words, you are close. Things happened. Serios shit happened. You realise,
I have a story. I have a character. I finished CHAPTER ONE.
It is still just a beginning, maybe a road to nowhere, but knowing that I started something, and managed to convince myself to go trough that pile of shit....Man, that is the end of the day I wanted.
And that is why I didn't wanted to write anything here until I finished Chapter one .
Improving much, ha?
that's all, see you on Wednesday when I'll be in misery again. Bye.