Wanna write? You will need a map first!!

When I started writing, I didn't use any planning or maps, or anything. I just started. But eventually, you see that it's not leading you anywhere. I don't know what is going to happen next, and that can be exciting, but then after a while, you forget where are you headed and it can be really messy.
So, i decided to make a plan before I finished a chapter one.
I realized what is story going to look like, begiining, middle and the end. Main characther, and all the other ones.
So, it is logical that you won't be inspired to write everyday, and some days it might suck to be you, and the last thing you want to do is to write. But, it is not about inspiration, and feeling good, it is about discipline.
I suppose that a lot of people are making some kind of maps for writing, I didn't take time to look some of their ideas, I guess there are a lot of good ones. But, I made one that is the most realistic for me.
12 chapters, 60 000 words, Every chapter should have aproximately around 5000 words.
According to that plan, I should finish by 11th march.
So, I named every chapter, brief description and what dates I'm writing a specific chapter.
So, if you're ever lost, you just look at that map and you see what are you supposed to write about on that specific day.
I also measured time while I was writing my thousand words for the day. It took me 30- 4o minutes.
So, it's basically nothing if you can make a room for that.
Music also helps a lot.
To be honest, I don't feel like I'm headed in the right direction, and that I am writing something that is going to be good, I'm not even sure that anybody would want to read what I'm writing. But I decided that this is not about being good, it's about moving forward, and proving myself I can start and finish what I started. That is the reason I'm writing this blog. It gives me reason to keep writing.
Btw, I neglected my other goals, adobe illustrator and reading 100 books, but I am getting back to that today.