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My kind of frequency

Two things led me to this article. One is a guy called Jia Jiang and his project called 100 days of rejection ( click on this to see it).Also there is his ted talk about this project where he explains why he did this kind of thing. (check it out)

And the other thing is Radio.

Strange combiantion, but it actually got me thinking about things we're afraid of. Or things that we don't see and we're not aware of, but those are things that are keeping us from moving forward in any aspects of our life.

After I saw Jia Jang's speech, it got me thinking about my fears and issues. What is that I don't see, but I'm trying to figure out? Why do I feel that I'm always in one place, not moving forward?

I guess fear of rejection is a big deal for some people, but I think my Bigger issue is that I can't be more specific and I can't commit to the things completely.

That is why I compare it to the radio. I love listening to radio. I was always fascinated by certain radio stations, and less fascinated with performers themselves. It is just a small example of how I deal with things in life. I am able to be interested in some thing for a small amount of time, but after that moment passes, I am back on the same track.

So, if our minds are not fixed, then why are we following the same patterns? Because it is easier.

That is why I am working of commiting myself to writing this shitty blog everyday.

Also, I think that I'm generalizing things too much, and I hate it. So, guess it's like with radio waves. We will never be able to see them with our bare eyes, but at least we're aware of them.

When was the last time you listened to some good radio stations?

And this is my favorite moment, captured few years ago.

Beer, books,late radio shows, low frequency, and shitty chinese lights in October.

Love it.

Stay safe and remember, Subscribe or die :)


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