How I saved $1000+ in a very short time?

This is me celebrating this lovely day.
No, this post is not about some weird online jobs, or tricks of a millionaires, or some creepy shitty ads that are popping up everywhere you go and anything you do (turn on adblocker and stop whining already)
Anyway, I am here to share a thought. I run into an ad. Yeah, you will still run into some ads even if you are using adblocker, so thanks a lot adblocker, what is your point? What is the point of this life?
*cires in despair*
I saw some online/real life course/college/academies/you know, some shitty thing that allegedly prepares you for one of those jobs everybody is doing these days.
Like social media manager, or account manager or something like that. I don't know, Anyway, after you pay like a thousand bucks or more,(this course is in Serbia, where the average price for one year in college is 1000-1500euros) you'll be able to attend their course for one year, and you have 50 different subjects, and around 300 classes.
If one class is lasting no more than 30 minutes (other 15 minutes are waisted, like any other class) that is aproximately around 150 hours of listening to those classes.
and then I started looking at 50 differents subjects they are teaching, which all together should create a path for you to become a digital media manager.
LIke, just listen to the names of those classes --
Media Relations
.Online Media Monitoring
. Internet Technology for Managers
.Internet marketing
. E-commerce Basics
.Internet Law Basics
.Web Design for Managers
. Online Sales Basics
.Online Media Offers and Reporting
Internet Consumer Behaviour
.Intergated marketing activities
And the list goes on and on and on and on until we reach 50 of the basically same things.
You don't need to pay a lot of money just so that you could sit among lazy people who have no idea where are they and listen for example 6 hours or more about media relations.
I'm not saying there is nothing you could learn about media relations, and I'm not saying I'm some kind of expert when it comes to media relations, but I mean, anybody who has a little interest in it, can find out about it Online.
You have open libraries, open sources, millions of blogs, and millions of people sharing their knowledge about what it takes to be digital media manager (Whatever that is) and there are still a lot of so called academies that are ,,teaching you and preparing you for the so called real life,,
I'm saying that, because I had media relations as a subject last year, while I was studying. It's needless to say that I didn't learn anything about it. I went and saw one class, I saw materials we had, and it was so lame, that I lost interest before it even started.
That is just one example, but the point is that there is a growing market for these courses, academies, schools, whatever they call themselves these days, and they are taking advanatage of people who believe that there is only one way to learn something, to pay and to go to the classroom. To sit there for few years, pretend to listen,listen, listen listen, do some kind of standardized tests for idiots, get your grade, and then after you're done with payments and standardized tests, you're ready for the real life, here's your job, congrats.
I mean, it's true, if you really wanna be good at something, you need a mentor, one day, someone who will point you in the right direction when you're feeling lost. But there is a big difference between getting advice and having a mentor, and being lazy and paying someone to teach you about things like digital media management, SEO, blogging, advertising, etc.
This is just one example, based on a subjects I saw so far, but I'm pretty sure that you can learn all of what they're offering to teach you in two months or less.
Maybe I'll try it :) That's it, it's my story about how I saved $1000+ in a very short time, hope you enjoyed it, leave a comment about similar experiences or views. Or different, I will gladly read them. BYe