Hello bitches
This is me, studying a little bit of Illustrator. And making some retro posters.
I still didn't unsubsrcibe from Ziprecruiter, but I've got a lot of emails telling me how happy they are that I've got the job.
Maybe I should collaborate with them and make that commerial for their site, guess that is the only way to make some money and find a gig with Zip recruiter.
Just kidding, I am still not ready to make commercials. Maybe I'm not born to be that person.
I started learning new technique with Illustrator.
Cartoonize yourself.
Here is the beginning of my proccess.

It's just a beginning but compared to what I managed to do the first time I opened Adobe Illustrator

I would say it's good. So, note to myself
There are a lot of paths in life, but whatever I choose to do, I will go trough a lot of shit, xanax, and cheep beer. And than I wil die.
But hey, at least I will die carrying a skill or two with me.
Stay safe, and remember one thing ---SUBSCRIBE OR DIE